
Yemen National Conference “The Yemen that we desire”

 Upcoming National Conference in Beirut: “The Yemen that we desire”

Sanaa, Yemen, January 16, 2012

On January 18 and 19, 2012, a Yemeni national conference will be held in Beirut, Lebanon entitled: The Yemen that we desire”.  The conference is organized by the Change and Defense of Rights and Freedoms Organization, in cooperation with civil society organizations and media representatives.  The conference will have active participation by youth representatives from various blocs, coalitions and alliances from the squares nationwide.

This conference comes at the threshold of a new phase of Yemens modern history, where an exceptional new awareness is being born.  This is reflected in the determination of a courageous people and youth pushing towards reform. This new found awareness is linked to calls for a new Yemeni modern civil state based on the principles of freedom and equality and the rule of law.

During this process of transformation, the youth are seen at the forefront of politicians, thinkers, intellectuals, media representatives, and community activists, signifying a special moment in history.  The youth represent a rainbow of national diversity, unified under one goal of affirming the dream for a new Yemen. 

There are numerous challenges ahead of us in reaching the vision of building a civil state, but this does not mean giving in to the doubt of its achievement.  To believe in what we want to do, is an important step in achieving our goal.  Maintain faith in the equal participation and access for all, in an enviornment that allows for pluralism, and democratic transitions, is of great importance to social harmony and to consulate democratic practices, removing the language of exclusion advocated by some in the name of democracy.   Any organization or group has the right to effective participation in the civil movement.  This is something we should mobilize all our energy towards.

Based on a sense of national responsibility and unified by faith, everyone is rising during this important time in the nations history, to shape the future of Yemens modern civil state. 

Accordingly, the conference will be held for two days in the Lebanese capital Beirut.  The conference will include over 100 participants representing different backgrounds of Yemeni society.  The conference will include paper presentations by scholars and researchers on the concept of civil state, its foundations and elements, political participation of youth and women, economic vision of the civil state, and transitional justice. Participants will break into various working-groups for deeper discussion on the mentioned topics to make recommendations, and collaborate on a common vision for the future of state-building in Yemen. At the end of the conference, a final document will be drafted after discussions and approval.

This conference and the final document will represent the first step towards partnership between the independent revolutionary youth and civil society institutions in Yemen.  We understand the current threats facing the revolutionary objectives, in addition to the attempt by some to hijack it.  However, the determination of the youth to remain in the squares are the true guarantees.  The desire of some to sideline youth who have the vision for the future, and to prevent them from drafting the countrys vision, shows that these actors operate in the same old mentality that does not accept change.

The young men and women , indepent and party members, who helped spearhead the revolution and were at the forefront in all the provinces, are equal in involvement, sacrifices, and rights. There is no doubt for a better future.

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