غير مصنف

Revolution Injured Statement on State’s Cure Postpone


Yemenat – Private

As our hunger strike in front of the cabinet is in its 13th day, we – the wounded people of revolution – are expressing our deep concern on state's irresponsible practice exercised against us. In this context we would like to declare the following:
First, inform about our complaint in details, as follows:

1-We took to street in 2011 in a peaceful revolution, demanding topple of the regime as a first step to a comprehensive change getting rid of corruption. however, the regime used force and violence, resulting in several killings, injuries and detainees among revolution people.

2- several injuries of the revolution were neglected and the process of treating them was subjected to political considerations.

3- on Nov 14th 2012, we filed a suit and a verdict was issued on the basis of which the court bound the state of reconciliation to provide health care aboard for plaintiffs at the expense of the state. Though the law stipulates only two health reports about a given case, the state does not react positively with the court ruling of execution.
The prime minister ordered the patients be quickly cured at expense of the state to put the ruling into effect, and 4 cases were decided to be treated in Cuba, 6 cases in Germany. The prime minister for Cabinet Affairs was assigned to contact embassies of those countries. She, in turn, sent two letters to the embassies of both Cuba and Germany with aim of facilitate visas, yet the state also postponed, which force us to ask the court to support the previous ruling with an enforced execution.

1-The media spoke about orders by both of the president of state and the prime minister to put the court's ruling into effect, but nothing is on ground due to postpone of Finance Minister to do the necessary implement of the verdict, under baseless pretexts, which required another action by the court dated Jan 9th 2013, when it made, for fifth time, a petition to the Yemen central bank's governor to force him to approve 330 thousands U.S $ as well as 440515 thous Y.R, which is estimated cost of plaintiffs' basic tests and cure, yet the bank stated that it had no account for such purpose.

2- The patients' health get deteriorated and 4 died. The dead were Muneef Almaqtari, Abdul Illah Alhamdi, Basam Alazazi, and Taha Mohammed Alariqi. Health of the injured gets bad more and more.

3- we were forced to a sit-in and a hunger strike in which a number of activists solidified with us, yet no attention was paid to us and no real action was taken according to the presidential decree and judicial ruling.

4- As today is the 13th day of consecutive hunger strike and sit-in, our health gets so badly, we hold the president accountable for such problem
Last, we confirm our peaceful fighting to gain our rights and to achieve full goals of the revolution, calling all Yemeni citizens for taking all actions capable to protect such a project, apply pressure on the government officials in a way that guarantee their respect of justice, as well as dominance of rule of law.

Issued by the Injured People of Revolution
Sunday Feb 10th 2013

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