
weight loss programs

weight loss programs

After the celebration period, you may get a few kilograms because of the unhealthy types of foods and eating methods you have followed, if through large amounts of sweets, pastries, rice dishes or unhealthy drinks, due to celebrations and social imperatives.

So many turn to sports clubs and take harsh diets to get rid of excess weight, but doing so suddenly can harm the overall health of the body.

Nutritionist Myrna Al-Lad tells Madam Net that after the celebrations, you may get a few kilograms because of the unhealthy types of foods and eating methods she has followed, if through large quantities of sweets, pastries, rice dishes or unhealthy drinks, due to celebrations and social imperatives. It is very important to help the body get rid of fat, by not eating large amounts of sweets, reducing the intake of starches such as bread, rice and pastries. Cleaning the liver to get rid of all sediments, by focusing on eating vegetable soup such as cabbage and onions, eating various types of vegetables including eggplant and artichokes. In addition to the need to focus on drinking liquids, especially water, to help the body get rid of all kinds of waste, it is also preferable to drink herbal tea that contributes to cleaning the liver, such as: rosemary, green mint, anise, green tea. And a lot of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice with a variety of salad dishes.

Customize a week free of eating meat, chicken, fish, regular sleep hours, reducing caffeine, and exercising regularly.

Here are myrna tips for getting rid of fat and weight loss in a healthy and healthy way.

weight loss programs

Weight loss after the festive period

It is very important to avoid eating high-calorie sweets and simply eating fruits, i.e. natural sources of sugar;

The need to eat more meals prepared at home in a healthy way, stay away from fast food rich in fat and empty calories, as well as pick out meals rich in proteins and nutrients important to the body, which contain less calories.

Drink water too much, stay as far away from soft drinks, processed juices and caffeine-rich beverages as water moisturizes the body and helps burn calories, and leads to a feeling of fullness more quickly.

Eat foods and drinks that help burn fat, such as drinking ginger with milk or tea, or eating green leafy greens such as cabbage, artichokes and lettuce.

Exercise, including walking for at least half an hour a day, does not require time or effort to gradually regain body activity and agility, as well as burning calories regularly and healthily.

Follow more: French Tonon diet loses 10 kg

weight loss programs

Avoid strict diets

There are many diets that promise to lose weight within a few days, and although strict diets can succeed in achieving desired results within a short period of time, they do not limit the accumulation of fat in the body; Energy provided by starches and fats.

The best way to prevent fat build-up in different parts of the body is to eat small meals throughout the day, and through it, your body will make sure you have all the nutrients that cover your daily needs and will not store fat.

Eating natural foods

Eating natural foods helps reduce fat content; instead of drinking canned juices, you can prepare the juice yourself at home with fresh fruit.

Healthy Breakfast

Your body needs nutrients, fiber and energy for everyday activities, but when you miss breakfast or eat an unhealthy meal, your body will start storing fat.

The perfect breakfast should include three main nutrients: healthy fats, protein and sugars, and by attending a healthy breakfast, your body will get the necessary nutrients every day and will be ready for various activities.

Drinks and juices

After eating meat during the festive period, many need to eat many drinks and juices that help burn belly fat and lose weight. These include:

  • Green tea rich in known antioxidants that fight stubborn abdominal fat, and many studies have shown that regular intake helps reduce abdominal size, as catekin increases fat release from fat cells in the abdomen, and also accelerates the liver’s ability to burn fat, thereby losing weight.
  • Cucumber juice that helps to feel full for as long as possible because it contains a high percentage of water and fiber.
  • Watermelon juice that not only helps moisturize the body, is rich in arginine amino acids, which help burn fat and promote weight loss.
  • Cinnamon water with honey, which increases your metabolic rate, accelerates weight loss, helps metabolize sugar that turns into fat, and usually accumulates around the abdomen. Just mix a teaspoon of cinnamon with warm water and honey, and eat every morning.
  • Newly squeezed orange juice is a healthy, low-calorie alternative to all soft drinks, which can contribute to a significant elimination of abdominal fat.
  • Apple cider vinegar with warm water, which maintains the balance of acidity in the stomach, helping you get a flat belly, apple cider vinegar is also known to increase feeling full and inhibit appetite, enhancing weight loss.
  • Green mint tea, which contributes to the rapid digestion of food, prevents fat build-up, in addition to helping to relieve bloating that may cause fat to accumulate in the abdominal area, due to not digesting food properly.
  • Celery juice, which also helps relieve bloating that can lead to abdominal fat, weight gain, acts as a natural diuretic, thus preventing water retention by helping the body get rid of excess water.

Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice

Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice are arguably a good solvent for fat, helping you get rid of excess weight, while at the same time stimulating your body’s metabolism. It contains a high percentage of potassium that helps transport nutrients to cells and remove toxic substances, and beta-carotene free radicals.

Add to the salads, or drink with water provided this does not exceed the rate of 2 teaspoons per day.

Note from yemenat : Before applying this recipe or this treatment. You should consult a specialist.

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