غير مصنف

The Reconciliation Government is morally failed and Sakhar Alwajeeh is nothing more than a glove on the hand of Sheikh Hameed


a man of law: yes

a parliamentarian: yes

participated in the youth revolution: the first who pitched a tent in the Change Square.

A journalist: his newspaper is the voice of the farmer, the worker, the driver, the street hawker and even mad people in the cool on the streets. The most important of all these is that he is the man who could more than the others to depend on the honor principle when the revolution pretenders and thieves fell down.

Judge Ahmed Saif Hashed, the Yemeni parliamentarian to Yemen Today:   

1.      could you tell us how did they attack you?

• What happened on Tuesday afternoon, February 12, 2013 was a maliciously planned act.. Heinous and brutal crimes and barbaric action, the behavior of gangs professional in crime and murder ..

What happened has nothing to do with the work and the duties of the security men either closely or from afar..  it's horrible that such crimes are committed against one of the representatives of the people and the holder of the parliamentary immunity .. As well as against the wounded youth of the peaceful revolution who only request the government deeply indulged into corruption to provide them with the necessary medical treatment after they suffered partial or permanent disabilities due to the negligence and delay of the government to treat them for two years ..  

And where did these crimes occur?! They occurred in front of the Council of Ministers and  thirty or forty meters far from the main gate and at the sight and  listening of the guards.

And by whom?! By security men and institutions that are supposed to protect the wounded protesters in front of the Council of Ministers ..

And when?! On the fifteenth day of their sit-in and hunger strike ..

What happened was aimed primarily to assassinate me , and also targeted the wounded protesters of the peaceful revolution who carry out a hunger strike half a month ago and caused them harm and serious damage because of the barbaric attack by the riot police of the Central Security Forces and the Interior Ministry ..

some centers of power stood behind what happened .. they planned and directed the implementation, and I refer here ,from the evidences in the case file, that a senior officer (brigadier) – Staff officer of the Central Security Forces and called (Almaqdashi)- had met aggressors soldiers in front of the Council of Ministers only half an hour before the incident attempting to kill me and attacking the wounded .. Therefore, I directly accused the Interior Minister and the Commander of the Central Security Forces, and the latter had attended to visit me in the hospital in the second day in order to give up any prosecution or follow any legal course about what happened to me and to the wounded ..

the perpetrators of the crime have begun exploring the place of the sit-in from the early morning (five soldiers from the riot police) and entered the place sit-in while the wounded protesters were still asleep .. We have pictures to prove it .. it is worth mentioning that the riot police had never visited this place before, despite the passage of two weeks of the sit-in and the hunger strike in the same place ..

The riot police accustomed to stay in their troop carriers in a place far from a sit-in, but on the day of the attack, February 12, they approached to the place of our sit-in and remained provoking the wounded, and insulting  the  women,  after they have taken a confrontation line with the protesters in the place of the sit-in and entered it to kill me and attack the wounded  .. This is proved with pictures and the testimony of the witnesses ..

One of the main aggressors and one of the soldiers who was disguised putting a  white veil on his face were at the gate of the Radio Building opposite to the Council of Ministers and then they moved to the other side confronting the protesters ..

according to the testimony of the witnesses and the pictures taken during the attack, the aggressor who proceeded to kill me and the soldier with the veil, confirms that the attack was arranged and planned, especially the two strong, quick and murderous hits with two heavy cudgels on my head at the same moment and the same second by both aggressors, one of them was veiled, targeting my life .

2 – you were chosen from the others in the sit-in place to be attacked, they did not let the nurses to help you and they disable the oxygen tubes in the ambulance, What's your explanation for this?

First, what happened was not only an attack, but rather it is an attempt to murder .. After I had received the hits on my head, I fainted and fell down on the ground. The  wounded protesters tried  to prevent them from reaching me the second time and circled around trying to protect me by their bodies, which received several hits from the cudgels of the aggressors. when they couldn't reach me again they threw a tear gas bomb next to me but one of the wounded threw a blanket on the bomb limiting its effectiveness. although they continued throwing the tear gas bombs, the wounded and the protestors managed to put me in the ambulance. after that, some of soldiers prevented us  from getting into the ambulance, and closing its doors, and prevented the driver from moving towards the hospital to save my life. in addition, they disabled some means of the ambulance such as the oxygen tube, and the bleeding was thickly and the driver couldn't move to help me. only after the intervention of the guards of the Council of Ministers and some citizens who were present near the ambulance ..

This means that there are three stages of each one alone was able to kill me .. The first stage is hitting me on the head by soldiers trained for this type of murder, if this stage fails, phase II is sufficient to allow them to kill me by throwing the tear gas bomb to disperse those who gathered around me and then kill me in the same place or take me to another place and put me to death .. When this stage failed and I was bleeding profusely from my head and the wounded could carry me to the ambulance after it was being prevented by the soldiers from reaching me, the third phase started. They prevented the driver to save me  the guards and officers of the Council of Ministers and others intervened to let the ambulance goes..
I was about to die unless my good luck and the help of the wounded and their insistence  to save my life then the intervention of the  guards of the CM and others in order to open the road in front of the ambulance..

3 – Prime Minister, Basendwah, and leaders from Aleslah party, at the beginning, considered your carrying out the sit-in with the wounded as an attempt for fame, but after the attack, they visited you in the hospital.  how have they criticized you at the beginning then they denounced the attack after they accused of planned for it?

• I have adopted the case of the wounded for humanitarian and existential, revolutionary reasons and intensely feeling  of the moral duty towards the wounded in the first place.. A feeling that the Reconciliation Government cannot comprehend or understand it because it is a corrupted government and soaked with desire of monopolization of the revolution booty and governed by the motto of seizing the power, the opposition and the state ..

Moreover, this government is morally failed and a big loser by all accounts. It disclaims of its functions and duties towards the people in general and the wounded of the peaceful revolution, in particular. The wounded whom it stepped up their wounds and sufferings and repudiated their sacrifices and turned them its back .. We desperately need a technocrat government, a government of competence and integrity and white hands .. This is what urgently we and the nation need..

4 – You are now carrying a sit-in with the injured because many of these young people went out with you in demonstrations since January 16 until February 25 in the name of the revolution youth and then delivered to the JMP the Revolutionary Leadership that participated in regime on behalf of the revolution. Why did these parties repudiate you? Was it a prior agreement between you and them when The young people gather in your home?

• I never conspire or abandon the goals of the revolution. I did not  think of betraying the revolution and I would not do so while many who are playing lip service in the name of the revolution betrayed  and satiated it treachery and betrayal .. I deny treachery, conspiracy and reject the policy of the end justifies the means because, according to me, nobility of means is nobility of purpose and aims..

They killed our big dream, stole our revolution and seized the state in the name of the revolution and excluded the Liberals who they were charged with treason and disbelieve in God. They looted the revolution, the public wealth and the state. They reproduced the former regime in uglier picture with the help of the conspirator regional and international support that do not care about the interests of the peoples and their revolutions, but rather the only care about interests at the expense of the revolutions goals and the dreams of ordinary and the oppressed people.. their savage interests are at the expense of our people freedom and their rights and freedoms and human rights in this country burdened by tribe and underdevelopment ..
regarding JMP I will talk about Aleslah Party in particular since the others are either have limited options in a situation of extreme suppression  or just workers with Aleslah party .. they will regret every day they were lenient  with Aleslah  and the whole society will pay the cost of this lenience and this cost will be so heavy on the people and they would need to overcome its effects many years and decades ..

5–  Minister Jawhara Hammod said, at the press conference, that there are political parties behind the attack on you acquitting  the Prime Minister and the Interior Minister from attacking you. What does the political party that she mean?

This question must be answered by Minister Professor Jawhara Hammoud herself..

6 – the day before the attack Minister of Finance, Sakhar Alwajeeh, visited you and did not receive acceptance, and he was insulted by some of the protesters. Was the attack on you an attempt to take a revenge?

• leave this matter to the investigate .. However, the investigation does not appear that it is working fine .. the President directed the formation of a committee to investigate on the incident, the Prime Minister directed the formation of a commission of inquiry and the Minister of the Interior directed the formation of a commission of inquiry as well, and the latter is one of the defendants. This latter committee includes Staff Officer of the Central Security (Almaqdashi) who met the aggressors half an hour before the attack and the attempt of murder .. Commission in which the protector and the aggressor is the same person cannot reveal the facts .. This committee and the Minister of the Interior, who form the Committee as well as the commander of the Central Security and his staff refuse so far to respond to extradite the offenders to the Judiciary despite the passage of a month from the incident of the attack. although the institutions and personalities in charge are obligated by Constitution and the law in force to collect the required information and refer the accused or suspects to the prosecutor within 24 hours, but this did not happen, despite the passage of a month from the incident .. We want system and  law state .. We want an impartial and transparent investigation .. We want the justice to prevail. but what is happening now support  the offenders and the crime, and help the offenders to escape with impunity.. What is happening is the work of gangs, mafia and centers of influence practice a threat to the social peace and a catastrophe on the present and future of Yemen ..

7 – Sakhar Al-wajeeh was your fellow in the House of Representatives, does he communicate with you on behalf of the Fellowship to understand the issue of the wounded especially that  he presented himself in the Parliament  as an advocator for the rights and a fighter against corruption?

• he did not communicate with us about the wounded nor about anything else, especially after he became a minister .. Despite that he had been able to deceive a lot of people appearing on the TV when he was a MP and an attractive spokesman and before becoming a minister .. But I realized some of what happens behind the scenes and in closed rooms .. I realized that many of those eloquent people who know how to talk in the Parliament hide a lot of ugliness, and they have a great ability to falsify the awareness and deceive ordinary people.. I wrote about him a year or less than a year before the revolution a peace of writing in the last page of Almostaqela newspaper, which included: "I thought that you are an independent MP, but I discovered that you are a follower of Sheikh Hameed" Here I am today writing and saying: "Sakhar Alwajeeh is nothing more than a glove on the hand of Sheikh Hameed. . " the Reconciliation Government is the government of Sheikh Hameed. Otherwise what does it mean that the director of the Office of the Prime Minister  is controlling all the powers of the prime minister … What does it mean that two and a quarter billion riyals transferred  to a charity and the ministers from the other parties could do nothing, rather most of them knew about the subject from the media .. What does it mean that hundreds of millions and even billions of the public money and from the state's treasury are wasted as donations for partisan associations, Al-Iman University and  Al-Koran University, and we do not see a minister in the reconciliation government protest.. It is the government of Aleslah  and the Government of Sheikh Hameed ..

8 – Alwafa assossiation of Aleslah Party got billions from the public money and the state's treasury in the name of the revolution. In spite of this there are a lot of the wounded protesters who are excluded from their interest scope. Does it mean that who is not from Aleslah is not a revolutionary?

• We have made an official communiqué on behalf of a group of the wounded of the peaceful revolution on the issue of corruption before the Anti-Corruption Prosecution and we are waiting for the results of investigations and I think that the results will be loud ..

9 – in the first months of the revolution when you go out with young people in demonstrations in early 2011 and the newspapers of Aleslah party used to talk about you as a hero. after March 18, young people from Aleslah party tried to attack you and destroy your platform and Aleslah newspapers changed their opinion towards you. How do explain this contradiction?

• So do the thieves .. When they start stealing they start secretly and deceptively then when they have the power and the means they show every rudeness and arrogance.. This case also applies to the case of stealing the revolution..

10- young people who marched with you wanted Aleslah to get  7 ministries, the Socialist two and the Nasserite a ministry or they have had other demands?

• demonstrations of January and half of February 2011 were marches of purity, integrity, denial of the self and readiness to sacrifice .. We did not inquire about our parties? Many of those who were marching rebelled against their parties .. We did not think as politicians think today .. But power corrupts people and some of those who shared transparency with us in those marches have become today's politicians, I remember, in this regard, Mark Twain's saying  (politicians like diapers, you must change them constantly, and for the same reason).  politics corrupts morals and souls, and spreads corruption, disease and epidemics among people.

11- you said that you went out in a revolution, but the revolution was without a leadership and refuse to form the leadership of the young people was that for the JMP to take the lead?

• we have deceived by some of the politicians when they told us that the revolution does not need leadership. as they are thieves of the Revolution they were preparing themselves to seize it and its leadership supported by money and the tribe. When we thought of forming a regulatory committee and the media committee, we surprised in the next day that one of these parties and the tribe were ready to pounce on the revolution at the beginning and impose a fait accompli. they imposed a formal regulatory committee while tribal, military and partisan centers of power are planning, issuing orders and impose a fait accompli. then we discovered that Saleh Sanabani is controlling  Change Square in Sanaa, Saleh Sanabani was the hand of Sheikh Hameed and the man of Ali Mohsen.. After everything became ok they showed  ugliness. In addition they were supported by tribe, military and wealth..

12- does Ali Mohsen protect the Revolution and no more killings happened after he joined the revolution on March 18th "Friday of Dignity"? On the occasion of the anniversary of Friday of Dignity there are a lot of secrets were locked behind youth in Friday of Dignity?

• In the early days we believed that the accession of Ali Mohsen is a new addition to the revolution, but after a little bit of time we discovered that Ali Mohsen is a poisoned dagger which struck the revolution to death..
Regarding Friday of Dignity, we need to a neutral and transparent investigation and this is still not possible locally and Yemeni judiciary is not eligible to play this role, especially that it is still weak and dependent. this judiciary became under the influence of local and regional centers of power that makes a fair, impartial and independent judiciary is impossible ..

13- large sums of funds were collected in the name of the revolution, including donations,  Zakat for two years and support from Qatar, KSA and U.S. Do you know how much are these funds and on whom they are spent?

a very huge amounts that most of which went into the coffers of the influential personalities, the corrupted and the thieves of the revolution and wealth. A lot of money have been used to falsify the  awareness, abort the revolution, control its path, deflect its objectives,  and reproduce the former regime in uglier and more terrible form ..

14- How do you see the future of democratic political action recently after Aleslah party becomes the controller of the course of the political action in the name of the revolution?

  I have warned earlier from Aleslah Party, its current system and composition, its destructive policies, its ideology, and its exclusionary and conspiratorial mentality will be the coming threat to the future of the political action and the project of modern civil state and democracy that we seek, but on the present and future of Yemen ..

15- it is said that Aleslah party has domesticated some of the liberal parties involved in the JMP and some facts pointed out this. how could Aleslah  domestication the leftists?

What I can say in this regard is that Aleslah party and its centers of power managed to penetrate some senior leadership and moderation in JMP, as well as it was able to penetrate some platforms and mass media affiliated to these parties. It also managed to create personal and expediency interests for some elements and leaders of the JMP that have the priority and precedence over the interests of their parties .. The money, influence and centers of power  in Aleslah party practiced its influence on the rest of the JMP and makes them inactive and captive to a never-ending dependency …


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