
Revolution Salvation Front condemns campaign incitement against MP Sultan Alsamiee

A statement has been issued by the Revolution Salvation Front (RSF) on the incitement campaign launched against the parliament member Sultan Alsamiee, condemning what so-called ” traditional forces, in particular loyalists to Saudi Arabia”.

The statement considered attack against Alsamiee, due to his attitudes opposing to these forces, as an instigation and a baseless claim, noting Alsamiee as ” patriotic figure and a cry in face of forces of injustice”. It considered such practices as repressing, eliminating and attributed to Saleh regimes atrocities that put difference in betrayal queue”.

The statement demanded all revolution constituents, civil society orgs and political events advocating freedom of expression to stand in solidarity with Alsamiee and condemn such bad behavior, stressing continued revolution, allow not any force that desire terror and ban us exercise our right to peaceful struggle to achieve youth revolution goals..

Worth-mentioning is that Alsamiee had issued a statement on what he labeled as “lies” that aired by Suhail TV channel owed by Hameed Alahmer. The former threatened to prosecute the channel with its owner, demanding Alahmer to ( pay back) looted state-owned and private lands, in the north and south, mainly the Aden-based house of the president Albeidh”, according to the statement.


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