Yemen: CCYR rejects GCC initiative and to continue the revolution
By Abdullah al-Qubati, for Yemenat
Sanaa,23 Nov-The Civil Coalition of Youth Revolution (CCYR) announced rejection of the Gulf « s agreement on Yemeni crisis, which was signed by President Saleh » s regime and the opposition Wednesday in Riyadh.
The statement said that the agreement “has provided immunity to the regime, which enabled him to continue killing during the last period and it also will provide the regimes officials a chance of unaccountability and unpunished, as well as being make it as a future partner able to disrupt the desired change.”
It stressed refusal of what it called “concessions” made by the opposition factions that signed the deal.
It renewed adherence to the goals of the peaceful revolution and continuation of the revolution until “overthrow the authoritarian regime of president Saleh, bring them to trial and establishing the foundations of a modern, civil and democratic state”.
The CCYR said in a statement “we see the solutions of political parties far from the reality and demands of the revolution and unable to provide real solutions to the current national issues.”
It stated that “it declared since its establishment that its main objective is to overthrow the regime and prosecute all the officials involved with killing, corruption and plunder of national wealth, as a prelude to build a modern civil democratic state”. It asserting that “any initiative or settlement must be based on achieving the goals of the revolution and transitional justice in regard to past political conflicts and provide responsible solutions to the current national issues. “
The CCYR said “we reject any forces attempt to impose the initiative terms on the revolutionary Youth in the squares, and we call these forces to lift its control and monopoly in representation of the revolution and responsibly deal with youth demands. We also call on revolutionary youth in the squares to unite their ranks with the goals of the revolution”.
The statement reported that “our position does not conflict with our faith in the right of everyone to participate and adopt new visions and solutions, and that the rejection of the initiative is based on being embedding the revolution and its objectives. It does not serve the interests of the Yemenis and was dedicated to serve and protect the regime, its symbols and the forces that have direct or indirect interests with it “.
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