غير مصنف

The Finance Minister gave the government a hundred million rials and Alwafa association following Aleslah party, two milliards



·        Alshaif, a member of the GPC party visited the wounded while the general secretaries of the JMP did not do.

·        To Alwafa association: "lies are soon exposed".

·        Hameed's government does not want to implement the court final and decisive judgment.

More than 11 days have passed and the wounded of the revolution are carrying a sit-in in front of the Cabinet protesting to the Reconciliation government neglecting their case and demands of traveling abroad for treatment as they do with others.

The case of the wounded becomes a public issue especially after the media exchange of statements between the conflict parties. While the JMP and their allies provoke the people and some of the wounded against the government, the other party believes that the government failed in helping the wounded to get the medical treatment.

Moreover, they accuse the Finance Minister of giving two milliards and half to Alwafa association that is under Aleslah control, which only cares about its partisans.

In the same time, Alwafa association said that its task was limited to prepare a database of the wounded and the martyrs, and that all the funds will be disbursed through the post office.

Ahmed Saif Hashed, the prominent parliamentarian and activist, was the first with some of the wounded to carry a sit-in in front of the Cabinet protesting to the way the government deal with the case of the wounded neglecting their demands.

Elaf interviewed the parliamentarian Hashed to talk about the subject. We had a lot to talk about the Yemeni scene after the 11th of February revolution and many questions to ask since this issue will be published coincided with the second anniversary of the peaceful revolution. However, the opportunity was not conducive to our guest since he was so exhausted because he is in a hunger strike. Therefore, we only talked about the wounded case and their sit-in and the interests of the conflicting parties.

Hashed preferred to talk about the first-position case "the wounded case", as he said. He talked about the wounded carrying a sit-in in front of the Cabinet and the controversial point with the government about their medical treatment and the mutual accusations in the scene and all that is related to the case.                 

Q1: Welcome Mr. Ahmed. What is the new in the case of the wounded with whom you are carrying a sit-in in front of the Council of Ministers a week ago?

We are waiting for the government to keep their promise about sending the wounded abroad to Germany and Cuba. I hope this week will be the last in their sufferings. However, the other wounded youth, I think their sufferings will extend and they will struggle for a long time to achieve their rights. These are the rules of Hameed's government.

Q2: Did you receive a replay from the government about their case? What was your reaction?

We will continue our sit-in until the government implements the judicial final ruling regarding the wounded and treating them abroad. We will not leave our places here until the last one of the wounded departs Sana'a airport.

Q3: Some days ago, you sent a letter saying "don't attend my funeral, but attend the demonstration that will take place on Sunday". Do the others let you down or does this letter have another meaning?

I mean that the Yemenis care about consolation gatherings and wedding parties more than attending demonstrations for rights, change and civil modern democratic state.

Q4: What is the controversial point in the case of the wounded?

The controversial point is that Hameed's government does not want to implement the court's final and decisive judgment.

Q5: Some time ago, you presented a case in the court against the government concerning the wounded who have to travel abroad for medical treatment. It is said that the government refused to receive the judicial service, and to appoint a lower to plead the case in the court. How do you explain this?

The government considers the Judiciary inferior than it. The government ignores and disregards the Judiciary. Independent, powerful and honest Judiciary becomes a necessity.

Q6: What are the standards used to differentiate between those who injured in the revolution and the other wounded?

The government has to treat the wounded either they are from the revolutionaries or from those who injured in the war taken place in 2010-2011.

Q7: Why do you insist on that the treatment of the wounded should be through the ministerial committee?  In the meantime, you accuse the Finance Minister of spending the public money on Awafa Association related to Aleslah party as you said.

We do not insist that the treatment should be through a ministerial committee; rather we do not want any other associations to replace the governmental institutions and do their jobs. We reject exploiting case of the wounded and employ it in political and social attraction process. We do not want the parties that seized the youth revolution to seize the state as well. We do not want the government to authorize factional associations to do its tasks, and then the public money is utilized in party and propaganda purposes. We do not want the corruption to be a party and institutional corruption that would destroy our country. We do not want not neutral associations to abuse the public money.

Q8: The ministerial committee failed in its task with regard to the case of the wounded according to the observers. It is also said that they attach six passports of the wounded with the Minister Jawhara Hamood, and the committee refused to submit it to their owners. What does this mean?

The Finance Minister is the responsible for all the obstacles.  He gave the ministerial committee a hundred million rials, and Alwafa association two milliards rials! The partisanship of the Finance Minister Sakher Al-wajeeh corrupted the government and caused its failure in different levels.

About what you have mentioned that they attached six passports, that is not true. Aleslah party today swallows up the country and its fabricates could not be emulated. They lost face. They lost their honesty and no one could believe them anymore.

Q9: Where is the problem if the money is given to Awafa association, and if the treatment would be thought it as long as the workers there say they have the files of the wounded and the martyrs which are provided by the credit cards, the death certificates that are supported by the court- as far as the martyrs are concerned- and  full database. They also say that their rule is limited to give information about the wounded and martyrs, and that they did not receive any money.

First, the government is able to prepare the data in two or three weeks.

Second, Alwafa prepared the data on Aleslah standards not on neutral and honesty standards.  

Third, they have received two milliards rials. Therefore, they control the way of spending the money. To them we say, "Do not throw dust in the eyes, we realize the reality and those ways do not affect our ability to see the terrible corruption".

Q10: Did you visit this association to be sure about what you have said and heard?

I do not want to visit it. I want them to reveal how much they receive and how much they spend. We want them to be honest. We want them to publish what the people would like to know through the press and media. If there is any corruption, they will publish everything.

Q11: Is it true that you provoke the wounded and the youth, therefore, one of them burn himself? Do you stand with such a behavior?

It is not me that provoke the youth, it is the multiplication of corruption, patronage, hypocrisy, lie and practicing injustice that cause all what happened and what will happen. You do not have to accuse the victims; rather you have to accuse the oppressor. 

Q12: Alwafa association said that some of the wounded, about six, escape to here though their visas were ready.

Who are they? What are their names? Their visas are ready to travel where! Tell them "lies are soon exposed".

Q13: Khaled Alasbahi, on his web page, inquired: "if you know that those youth were about to travel abroad for treatment, what is the benefit to exploit them and put them under the open sky in cool, and provoke them to strike to achieve a false triumph"- as he said.  What is your replay?   

It is appropriate for him to share the wounded the cool, their hunger, and their sufferings instead of being with the executioner.

Q14: It is said that those who are carrying the sit-in are supported by the former regime. How do you explain their frequent visits to you? Alshaikh Alshaif visited you recently.

It is nonsense. We were not who gave the immunity. We were not who conspired and betrayed the revolution. We were not who seized the revolution and the country. They do not scare us. Alshaif visited us and the general secretaries of the JMP, except of the Ba'ath and the Alhaq parties, did not visit us. What a paradox!

Q15: How did you receive the news saying that Ali Abdullah Saleh directed his party to help the wounded?

We did not ask Ali Abdullah Saleh to help us, and we will not accept his help. Nevertheless, the fact is that GPC party was cleverer than the JMP were. The latter, especially Aleslah, do not want to help us, rather to put us in the wrong.

Q16: What are the real aims behind Ali's directions?

The Minister of Health gave us an ambulance to help the wounded to get the hospital and he is a member of GPC party while Aleslah and the other JMP accused us only and turned facts upside down and counterfeited and misrepresented the people's awareness. Moreover, Aleslah party would like to achieve triumph at the expense of the wounded and those who are carrying the sit-in and the hunger strike for 11 days. Aleslah plays its policy and the former president plays his own policy as well. The difference is that the policy of Aleslah is much aggressive.

Q17: What are your next steps if the government does not fulfill your demands? Will you raise your protests and how?

We did not decide yet.

Q18: The second anniversary of the revolution will be after few days, ….. "he interrupted us and excused murmuring with what we could not understand and left. He seemed to be so exhausted since he is in a hunger strike."

Interviewed him Ahmed Alasbahi,

Elaf newspaper

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