غير مصنف

Statement of the SRF on the National Dialogue Conference


the front observes in deep concern the political developments on the national scene, particularly the comprehensive national dialogue to be held on March 18 that will last for six months. the front confirms its belief that the dialogue is the best way to accomplish national common solutions for all the challenges and serious problems of the country. but it does not see in the national dialogue conference scheduled to begin its sessions tomorrow Monday an optimistic sign to achieve the expected results because the hidden hands decided and agreed behind the scenes as they used to in the past. That is reflecting the reality of this dialogue and the role assigned to it.

The front confirms that the hard condition through which the country passes and it does not have capacity for the political evasion or revengeful  conspiracies, and that the transparency, the clarity, belief in Equal Citizenship and involving all the national forces without exclusion or marginalization of any party are the keys to the success in any coming dialogue. Therefore, the front believes that if  all the Yemeni active forces are not be involved in the dialogue that will to be held, that will not lead to the desired success of this dialogue.

In this context, the front warns of performing singlehandedly in taking  the national resolution by sides addicted exclusion, marginalization and oppression that led the homeland to this catastrophicconsequences. the front also cautions all the parties walking on the pathway of this dialogue about playing with the goals of the youth revolution that youth sacrificed their lives and blood for it.

The Front views that any dialogue must be prepared by creating an atmosphere that allows everyone to participate in it without restrictions or conditions, and allows all the national forces to pose their visions for the future that everyone awaits; and before this or that creating an atmosphere to restore confidence to everyone that a new situation had begun and that the dialogues of today are different from those of yesterday, by starting realistic procedures touching the essence of the problem that the country faces. From these procedures are returning all usurped rights of the southern people and those who were dismissed from their jobs, compensating them for all the damage from the abusive practices they affected by, restoring all public and private loot that were seized after the war of 1994, addressing the effects of the six wars unfairly waged against Saada, releasing prisoners of young revolutionaries, politicians, uncovering the fate of forcibly hidden and compensating their families, treating the wounded revolutionaries and those of the previous wars waged by the regime against its own people and compensating the families of the martyrs and those who are disabled with a compensation befitting their sacrifices, stopping all the means of repression, intimidation and terrorism practiced by the authorities against protestors and those who are demanding their rights, bringing the perpetrators of crimes of concealment, murder and assault to justice, and  dismissing  all the military and civilian leaders involved in such practices.

preparing for the dialogue means to pull the rug from under the powerful personalities of those who controlled the country's wealth and its political, economic and social decision and free the sovereign resources and the state treasury from their grip and control ..it means also the formation of a national government is leading the country to move to the phase of building a democratic state but what we observe today is in the opposite. The traditional powerful forces are still enhancing their presence and imposing the handicapped and deformed dialogue that will start tomorrow .. the dialogue is dominated by those forces and centers that tampered with the homeland and are still playing the same role now through its acquisition of a majority of the lists of the dialogue and seizing the seats of the independents, young people and women and the technical committee could not prevent them or stop them, how could it conduct agreements and solutions to issues more complicated .. This exposes the nature of the performance that will govern the Conference by the same Parties, which will impose their decision and will control the fate of Yemen and its various vital national and fateful issues! they will behave as always excluding the other national parties as they did with the Independent Representatives in the Technical Committee, who protested against it and resigned, then they would  agree with each other outside the conference then they will superimposed their decision at the end.

Yemenis today are pinning their hopes on tomorrow that will fulfill their ambitions and save them from the regional and despotic heritage of the past.. But the national dialogue conference which will be held tomorrow lacks the ability to accomplish the minimum of it is reliable, because and according to its alphabets it will undergo the Sheikh's mentality and the military boot dominance. In addition it will be based on the Gulf initiative, which is basically based on the infanticide of the Yemenis' dreams and quelling their revolution  and its goals of getting rid of the dictatorship and tyranny, and establishing  a civil state dominated by justice and democratic system.

 The front watched the steps of the preparation for the national dialogue conference and observed that the indicators that revealed its outputs in the final comprehensive report submitted to President Abed Rabu Mansour Hadi confirm strengthening fears saying that the conference will be just a Festival that will not offer something for the benefit of the nation, and that all the participants will search for their own interests. Most of the participants are powerless and lack the ability to create a real change in the form and content of the future state and they will implement the orders of the parties they are the representatives of in this dialogue, and would turn to either false witnesses to what is happening or silent on the crime committed against their homeland.

The dialogue conference which robs its members their right to approve its rules of procedure will not be able to decide anything of importance and  the same parties and forces that have signed the Gulf initiative and dominated the dialogue preparation process and imposed its large representation in the lists of the dialogue in different ways, will decide the outcome of the dialogue.

 this discloses almost entire control on the course of the dialogue and its outputs, while the national dialogue conference theoretically supposed to be independent and the master of its decision and away from any interference by the executive or regional authorities.

About the Southern case, the front views that the representation of the Southern Movement in the dialogue must be real and inclusive including all its components without exclusion of any component, especially those that have been struggling peacefully over the five previous years. if the Southern Movement doesn’t participate as a real and active force presenting in the national dialogue that means the Southern situation and case will remain unsolved .. any dialogue will not contribute to the achievement of real solutions to the Southern issue will fail, and may even contribute to increase the congestion experienced by the Southern people.

finally, the front confirms that not to participate of the different political parties in the dialogue conference in light of all these indicators and facts deepened the truth that the dialogue remains only a political Carnival with formal functions and achievements will destroy the value of the dialogue and the future opportunities for Yemenis in the march toward building modern democratic civil state leads to the fragmentation of the country or the survival of the centers of power corrupt governor and controlling the fate of the national decision.

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