
dietary requirements

dietary requirements

Food is classified into three main groups:

Go Power Group

  1. It is a food group that gives our bodies energy and heat.
  2. Includes: carbohydrate-rich foods such as lasagna, pancakes, pizza and starchy foods.
  3. Such as rice, corn, bread, oatmeal, flour, wheat, pasta, noodles, potatoes, etc. and sugar-rich foods, namely cake, candy, honey, jam, jelly and ice cream.
  4. Carbohydrates at the basic level are simply sugar and starch. Carbohydrates have four main functions in the body: energy supplying the body. to store energy in the body. Building so-called large molecules (part of cell function).
  5. It ensures that protein and fat spread to the body and use it according to its needs.

Grow Growth Group

  1. It is a food group that repairs and builds body cells and tissues and helps to grow and is important for muscle and bone growth and blood health, it makes us stronger and larger and is one of the most important elements of the food pyramid
  2. Protein-rich foods such as poultry and meat products such as beef (also rich in iron and zinc), eggs and dairy products such as yogurt and cheese (sources rich in calcium).
  3. Fish, shrimp, crabs, mangoes and legumes such as beans, lentils, peas, gelatin, soybeans, peanuts and cereals such as rice, corn and nuts.

Glow Glow Set

  1. It is a food group that works to regulate and protect our bodies and fight any infection, it strengthens immunity and gives sparkle, shine and strength to the skin, hair and teeth.
  2. Mineral-rich foods, vitamins and mineral-rich foods are milk, cheese, fish, shellfish, shrimp, mussels, seaweed and crabs.
  3. Soybeans, soy milk, cashews, peanuts, onions, animal liver, eggs, bananas, apples, oranges, corn, rice, peas, beans, lettuce and spinach.
  4. Vitamin-rich foods are green leafy vegetables, fruits, yellow vegetables, eggs, peaches, liver, potatoes, peanuts, cashews, soy and peppers.
  5. Animal internal organs (e.g. heart, liver, kidney), fresh milk, cheese, fish, avocado, citrus and guava

In order to always keep us healthy, we need to know what types of food our body needs and we have to balance different types of food with major food groups, but there seems to be a difference between food choices and type.

Relationship of basic food groups and human health

According to a study conducted on a large sample of young people from 23 countries testing two possible explanatory mechanisms for gender differences (men -women), women were more likely to follow a diet and women’s beliefs appear to be greater than men’s in the importance of healthy diets.

The results showed that women are more likely than men to report avoiding high-fat foods, eating fruit and fiber, and reducing salt (to a lesser extent) in almost all 23 countries.

They were also more likely to diet and attached greater importance to healthy eating and their choice was about 22% fiber, and 7% fruit, but there was no gender difference in salt.

Healthy beliefs have been the main cause of dietary behavior differences by about 40%, so gender differences in food choices appear to be due in part to increased participation of women in weight control and partly to their strong beliefs in healthy eating. [2]

Studies indicate that breakfast is the most important meal of the day as the body regains the energy it needs to work well in the hours after a long night’s sleep and the body needs to refuel will tell us how our bodies will perform all future activities.

If we have a healthy and delicious breakfast, our body will be stronger and the stronger we are, the more productive we are, said licensed clinical psychologist Melanie Greenberg: “There’s a lot of truth in the adage,” breakfast is like the king, lunch is like prince and poor.”

Our days are full of a lot of things to do, a lot of responsibilities and commitments that need our full energy and attention and the right breakfast will help us to be more attentive and focused on our activities and goals for the day. [5]

What does the food chain contain?
Definition of the food chain: It is a linear series that expresses living organisms and the food chain begins with the product and the producers are products made of solar energy and they are plants and other organisms such as cyanobacteria, while the consumer is like grass-eating animals and carnivores.

As for the definition of healthy food and in order to give your meal the basic elements necessary for your body you must collect the three groups in your meal in order to be healthy your meal must collect all the daily nutritional requirements that your body needs, for example you can add apples to peanut butter and toast for a healthy breakfast, toast from the energy group, apple glow and finally peanut butter from the growth group and here are some healthy balanced meals:

  • Toast (energy group) + eggs (growth group) + spinach (glow set)
  • Baked with oatmeal (energy group) + nuts (growth group) + berries (glow set)
  • Fried tofu (growth group) + broccoli (glow group) + rice (energy group)
  • Toast (energy group) + apples (glow set) + peanut butter (growth group)
  • Crackers (Power Group)+ Homs (Growth Group) + Cucumber (Glow Group)
  • Egg sandwich (energy and growth group) + apple slices (glow set) + a glass of milk (for additional food from the growth group)
  • Meat (growth group) + rice (energy group) + fresh orange juice (glow group)
  • Oatmeal (energy group) + yogurt (growth group) + natural fruit juices (glow group).
  • The chicken meal (growth group) with rice (energy group) and beans (glow group) is a very useful meal as food for the body

dietary requirements

One of the benefits of healthy food is that it helps our bodies grow and fight infections and also strengthens our bodies, healthy food combines three groups.

One of the benefits of healthy food is that it helps our bodies grow and fight infections and also strengthens our bodies, healthy food combines three groups

Seven food groups

As for the components of the food pyramid in food groups, they were divided into five groups:

Sweet foods and sugars

These are the foods that the body needs in small proportions so that the body does not experience health problems when increased such as obesity and obesity imposed

Milk and dairy products

Dairy products help build bones and teeth, strengthen joints and promote muscle health. This is because it contains a high percentage of calcium and many fat-dissolved vitamins that benefit the muscles of the body. These foods are milk, yogurt, cheese, turkey, cheddar, white cheese and prawn cheese.

Most adults don’t get enough dairy products in their heart health diet.


Proteins are available in all types of meat, whether red meat or white meat such as birds and poultry, as well as marine meats such as fish and various seafood, as well as in legume foods.


Vegetables come in a variety of colors, flavors and textures. It is also an important source of vitamins, minerals and fiber in the child’s food pyramid
Dark green vegetables include broccoli, green cabbage, spinach and turnips. Some red and orange vegetables such as pumpkins, carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes and sweet potatoes.


  • Such as oranges and grapefruit are different types of berries and fruit that grow on trees such as apricots, cherries, peaches, mangoes and others such as figs, raisins and pineapples.
  • Many fruits provide additional fiber that helps keep your digestive system moving just make sure you wash all the fruits well before eating them and if you don’t eat enough fruit in general there are many options.
  • Although whole fruit is the best, 100% fruit juice is also considered fruit. When purchasing frozen, canned or dried fruits, choose the least options in added sugars.

Grain Group

Such as oats, wheat, barley, carbohydrate-rich foods found in rice, bread and pasta, these foods contain the minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber that the body needs in the most important forms of the food pyramid.

Fat Group

These fats are liquid fats that enter the food, and may be divided into several solid, saturated and unsaturated groups, and it is worth noting the need to stay away from saturated oil such as palm oil, and eat unsaturated oils such as olive oil.

dietary requirements

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